K3D Designer is KIDS Graphics premier online live graphics generator and template design system.
K3D Designer is a many-facted tool that forms one of the core technologies behind KIDS Graphics systems.
K3D Designer can act as:
This tool has grown from a start as an internal 3D design tool within KIDS Graphics into a feature complete solution able to be integrated into a wide range of live and post production workflows.
This system is highly tuned for a graphics operator to be able to flxibly recall, modify, and output multiple layers of graphics in a live production environment, while delivering the flexibility, reliability, and ease of use such a situation demands.
Graphics can be highly templated or freeform edited as required. Layouts can be organised in hierarchical folders with readable names, and recalled by ID number for rapid recall.
Data can be normalised into managed 'tag' attibutes allowing operater ease (for example team logos and colours can be set from a list that displays team name).
Designs can be saved into multiple design files, which are easily transferred and backed up by the operator.
Media elements can be supplied in standard formats for images, sounds, animations, and 3D models with no need for conversion to internal formats.
Multiple playlists (both simple and advanced) with and without automatic step timings can be utilised.
Seperate and powerful Edit and Preview screens can be used to give flexbility and correctness of output even in high pressure situations.
Multiple layouts can be dynamically, and independently controlled on and off the live output, resulting in no 'channel' limitations.
As a Live CG we believe our system gives operators the right balance between power, ease of use, manageability, and reliability - enabling them to get on with the job of delivering quality graphics to a busy production.
As a template designer we believe this system's extensive features in dynamic content management, scalable complexity, excellent management of tagged data and robustness of operation result in a system that maximises flexibilty and productivity both targeting live CG work. Not to mention the family of KIDS Graphics automation tools that can process resulting template layouts.
The heart of KIDS Templating system is a powerful tagged data engine which interfaces a list of named template attributes (for example team name, colour, logo, current clock time, score, message text) with design components within the a layout. Tags can be used to control many facets of the delivered graphic, not just limited to text content, but extending to colour of items, size and positions of content, selection of graphics elements (be they images, animations, or 3d models), and even as input to programmed shaders.
Templates have the ability to contain (and reuse) sub-layouts, to dynamically apply content to the surfaces of 3D models, to manage complex multilayered transitions on and off screen, as well as during content update, and to use global templates of standard formats to ensure consistency and easy of design-wide global editing.
This system is designed from its very core to support very complete automation of both data and operational control.
GPI Inputs (with suitable GPI interface hardware) can be used to trigger preview and output of templates, as well as to trigger more complex internal scripting including playlist control, data updating, and external content triggering.
External XMLRPC programmable interface allows control of all internal operations including setting of tag elements, preview and output of content, playlist management/operation, and triggering of internal programmable functionality. This XMLRPC interface delivers a new generation of automation possibilities to internal and external developers working in a multitude of languages and platforms.
KIDS Graphics are currently scoping integration of full iNews compatible automation for use in live news and other similar workflows.
Automation is seen as key to the increasing demands and workloads faced by todays productions, as well as a path to lowering errors and increasing scalability of systems.
This system is easily integrable in to most standard operational settings.
Multiple vendors of broadcast format output cards (Often SDI Video) can be used to meet requirements of packaging, density, and output format.
Preview and output channels can be generated to broadcast standards output cards, PC video standards output cards, internally, rendered to disk, or even made available externally via XMLRPC data interface.
Multiple channels of GPI can be collected and processed via compatible GPI interface hardware.
Stereoscopic video output can be generated via dual machines, dual output cards, or dual channel capable single channel cards, as well as side by side, alternating, or above/below formats.
Hardware can be physically packaged in a number of physical layouts, including rackmount servers, transportable systems, and even laptop solutions for edit or even full broadcast output where required.
This system is very capable in the area of render-to-disk operation for production of rendered output for integration to NLE production systems. Often this can provide a great asset in the area of providing a high level of consistency between live and post produced content as well as lowering NLE editor workload by giving a more efficient production workflow for graphics content.